21 de Junho – Dia Mundial do Skate – Go Skateboarding Day

Todo ano no dia 21 de junho é comemorado mundialmente o “Go skateboarding Day”, Dia do Skate.

É considerado o feriado oficial do skate. A data foi criada em 2004 pela IASC – International Association of Skateboard Companies (fundada em 1994) –  e mais de 10 países (inclusive o Brasil) já aderiram as comemorações.

A data começou como uma desculpa para skatistas de todas as idades esquecerem por um dia as suas obrigações, andar de skate e se divertirem.

No Brasil, o Dia Nacional do Skate é comemorado em 3 de agosto. A data foi instituída em 1995.

Go Skateboarding Day, held on June 21 every year, is the official holiday of skateboarding. The holiday began June 21, 2003 as an excuse for skateboarders to make skateboarding their top priority. Go Skateboarding Day began with a few simple skate sessions and bar-b-ques held in skateboarding’s unofficial capital, southern California.

Founded by the International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC), Go Skateboarding Day gives passionate skateboarders as well as those who are simply inspired by skateboarding, the opportunity to drop everything and get on a skateboard. Go Skateboarding Day is a cooperative of decentralized events that take place around the globe. Skateboard retailers, manufacturers, skateparks, distributors, organizations and individuals of all colors, creeds, and attitudes hold skateboarding events to celebrate the holiday. Skateboarders around the world create their own events and traditions to celebrate skateboarding.

Fonte: Campeonatos de Skate / Go Skateboarding Day


Published in: on 20/06/2013 at 01:31  Deixe um comentário  
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